Worldwide News: “FREE GIFTS!”

The BIBLE states,  “…but the GIFT OF GOD is ETERNAL LIFE through JESUS CHRIST our LORD!”  (Romans 6:23) Come on over to the Lord’s side where there is peace, happiness, joy, grace, mercy, and plenty more in the Holy Ghost!  There is so much in store for you besides “Free Gifts!”


If somebody told you that a big name department store was giving out free gifts, what would you do?  Let’s say within the first hour of the doors being opened the first 500 people would each receive a $1,000.00 gift certificate (redeemable the same day) and the next wave of 500 people would each receive a $500.00 gift certificate (redeemable the same day). People would be lined up at the front door from 5:00 pm the day before! In fact, the store’s management would have to call the police department to clear the doorways because the entrance doors would be blocked!

Well now, the LORD GOD is offering “FREE GIFTS!” to each of us! You don’t have to buy anything…you don’t have to save up your pennies…you can’t put it on the layaway…and you cannot buy shares, bonds, or stocks. IT IS FREE!  More so, this gift comes with a guarantee – ETERNAL LIFE! Oh shucks! I can do better than that!  You  will receive spiritual and external gifts and blessing pressed down and running over!  JESUS CHRIST PAID THE PRICE BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!

Why in the World would you want to bust hell wide open?  KEEP YOUR NAME IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE – don‘t let the devil cause your name to be blotted out!  “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”  

Perhaps, it is in your spirit and soul to do right but your flesh is fighting with your spirit and soul. The WORD tells us that the members of our own body are at war with one another.  For this reason, many of you are acting up as you read the Bible! You’re free to come and go at will…You’re free to say and do as you please…but when someone is talking about the LORD GOD, you get mad!  You feel convicted because the WORD is hitting home plate, your heart and soul!

ACCEPT THE GIFT AS IT IS FREE!  What have you got to lose? You ain’t doing nothing productive for your soul in this life or the next! When you pass from this life, what are you taking with you?  Pharaoh stored up plenty in his tomb and the grave robbers broke in and stole everything of value! In fact, Pharaoh ain’t even in his tomb! Worldwide museum curators stole many Pharaohs (with their families and their private possessions) from their own tombs!  Remember the Gift of GOD is ETERNAL LIFE through JESUS CHRIST our LORD!

Have a Blessed Day!

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