Worldwide News: “Don’t Eat the BLOOD!”

The Bible says,  “Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh (verse 23);  Thou shalt not eat it; thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water (verse 24);  Thou shalt not eat it; that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the Lord. (verse 25)”    (Deuteronomy 12:23-25)


I know most meat eaters pig out on steaks! I love them too. . This Blog is not about whether or not you like meat (beef, goat, lamb, or pork) and it is not about eating medium rare or well-done meat. If you don’t like meat, then, become a vegetarian. I am not knocking your taste buds. This Blog is about obeying the Word of GOD!

Allow me to point out the most important statement from Deuteronomy Chapter 12. I will be moving backwards from Verse 25 to 23 as listed below:

(1)  “….thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD….” (verse 25) 

If we do what is right in the sight of the LORD GOD, then, all the other things in our lives will line-up with GOD’s Word. Some people are living their lives as they see fit without ever praying to the LORD for guidance but one day they too will regret having left out the ALMIGHTY GOD!   I read on-line that Steve McQueen (deceased) accepted the LORD as his Savior – just before he passed away. Perhaps, Steve is riding motorcycles in Heaven as you read this article!  Go Steve!

Although you  “…do that which is right…”   it does not mean you will have joy 24/7 because in everyone’s life “rain drops will fall.” So don’t say that Constance said, “everyday is sun shine”  because it ain’t so!  You are going to cry sometime….you will laugh…you will curse (the Lord forbid but repent)…you will feel like knocking out some folks you will feel like running away from your family (the Lord forbid but only do so in self-defense)… (but first ask the Lord and be play it safe).

(2)   “…thou shalt not eat it…” (verse 24)

If the LORD says,  “…don’t do it…”   then  don’t do it!   The Word says,  “…pour it [the blood] upon the earth as water…”   Instead of your drinking or eating that which is denounced by the LORD ALMIGHTY,  it is better for Mother EARTH to swallow it as She has absorbed all the blood and slayings throughout the Ages and Dispensations!  And, Mother Earth communicates with the ALMIGHTY GOD!

(3)   “…eat not the blood for the blood is the life….” (verse 23)

According to this verse, there is life in the blood! As Christians, we all know through the Blood of the Lamb (JESUS CHRIST), we are covered because HE made atonement for us and we are reconciled to GOD the FATHER. Our sins are covered, forgiven, and we have life everlasting! Without JESUS’  Blood Covering, GOD cannot look upon us!

Just as there is life in the blood, there is death in the blood. If you don’t believe me, then, get some tainted blood from a transfusion and you will see! Whatever death flowed in the donor’s veins, it now flows in the recipient’s veins.  In the Old Testament story, Cain killed his brother (Abel) and his righteous blood cried out to the LORD from the dirt on the ground to Heaven – so blood not only has life – it has a voice.  [Note: I cannot imagine how Abel’s blood changed into a vapor and from the vapor into radio waves that reached Heaven – but it did!]

Whether righteous blood or unrighteous blood, GOD knows every blood that drops to the ground. HE knows every thought, contemplation, action, and deed (right or wrong) in all of us. You cannot hide anything from the LORD GOD! Please do not discount the WORD of GOD because it will help you to realize how off-course you really are.

Have a Blessed Day!


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