Worldwide News: “It’s Time for the HUMAN RACE to Come TOGETHER as ONE HUMAN RACE!”

The Bible says, “For GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  (John 3:16)


It ain’t about being Black,  White,  Chinese,  Japanese, or one-half and/or one-fourth of this or that! STOP BEING FOOLISH AND SILLY! 

(1)   GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten SON!   As you know, “kosmos” is the Greek word for “world” which is the English translation. We live in a multi ethnic society system which Mankind has divided up by race, color, creed, religion, wealth, middle classes, poverty levels, rejects, and whatever else. Yep! Mankind has taken a great deal of authority upon themselves and we do it every day and as often as we like without consulting the LORD GOD!   In fact, some people (who are greatly misinformed) say that there is no God!  Contrary, king Solomon (one of the wisest men in the Old Testament) said, “…the fool has said in his heart there is no GOD…”  (Psalm 14:1)  Honey, let old man cancer set in your ailing body or bones and you will be asking for the Saints to prayer for you!

(2)   CAN A RICH MAN GO TO HEAVEN?   There is no crime being rich but anything (money, treasures, people, assets, or whatever) you put before the LORD GOD, it is a hindrance, sin, and shame! Either you got it or you ain’t but (whatever the case) we are all human beings shaped in the image of God. You might be rich (with a new set of false teeth) but you gonna die just like the poor broke man with no teeth!

Do you remember the Old Testament story about the  “rich man”  who had everything and the “poor man – Lazarus ”  who sat starving to death and in need of medical assistance (outside the rich man’s gate)?   Instead of giving the “poor man” a morsel of bread/wine and medical assistance, the “rich man” fed the crumbs from his table to the dogs and the dogs licked Lazarus’ sores! In other words, the “rich man” had more regard for the dogs than for Lazarus!  Every day, rich folk die (like poor folk) but their money cannot buy life everlasting on Earth and it show can’t buy a reservation and everlasting life in Heaven.   Salvation is free and life everlasting is a promise to all believers!

In a nut shell,  Jesus said,  “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”   (Matthew 19:24)  When a person has everything (houses, land, money, assets, boats, fast cars, classic cars, clothing, jewelry, special collections, and other creature comforts), they (not all) tend to be self-centered, selfish, and feel superior to the less fortunate.  As stated, this is not true of all rich people! In paraphrasing, the HOLY WORD says,  “…if you have two coats give one coat to your brother…” If you are obeying the Word of GOD, I salute you! But, if you are not obeying the Word of GOD, I urge you to change your life style!

(3)   Whosoever believeth in Him [JESUS] should not perish, but have everlasting life.   Ain’t no body better than the next human being. In the eyes of the LORD GOD, we are all human beings – made in HIS image!  What does this mean?  The Word says, who-so-ever believeth in Jesus should not perish and this includes all Christians (including every man, woman, boy, or girl)  who repent and accepts CHRIST JESUS as his/her  personal Savior. The Bible does not talk about your race, color, creed, etc. Instead the Bible says, who-so-ever!

There is only one sin which is unforgiveable – blasphemy against the Third Person of the TRINITY, the Holy Spirit!   If you don’t the Members of the TRINITY, I shall list them – The FATHER, The SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT!   The FATHER sent his only son JESUS to die on the cross for the sins of the World (kosmos) and by HIS blood (shed on Calvary) we are redeemed!  

The Bible says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS and shall believe in thine heart that GOD hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same LORD over all is rich unto all that call upon HIM. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.”   Romans 10:9-13)

(4)  Whosoever believeth NOT in Him [JESUS] shall perish – they shall NOT have everlasting life.   Together, we all make up the human race BUT THE SOUL THAT SINNETH IT SHALL DIE!  There are people hating people because of their color, race, creed, national origin, and whatever. If you hate another human being, you are a hater and the love of GOD is not living within your heart. It is impossible to love GOD and hate your brother.

If you are killing others (especially innocent people) you are going to hell! If you are raping women, children, or men, you are going to hell!  Question:  Did you see on the Internet (Berlin, GERMANY) the hundreds of men chasing and raping one single woman (who was minding her own business)?

In fact, hundreds of women in Stuggart, Hamburg, and Cologne were rapped!  I wonder how many of these rapes and violations have not been reported? These are Muslim terrorists who hate European & Western culture and women. These terrorist want to plant their seeds in foreign  women much like the fallen angels came into the women in Adam’s time!   I regret to say it but the truth must be told – they are dogs! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO STICK YOUR PENIS IN ANYONE EXCEPT YOUR WIFE! YOU ARE DIRTY MEN!

These men were granted asylum by foreign Governments and they came in disguised as people in need but (deep within their hearts) they came to terrorize, rob, rape, and kill. The countries who granted them permission to enter (fed, clothed, and housed them) never expected to be repaid by these acts of cruelty against their citizens. These criminals should be rounded up and returned to their countries. Also, all foreign Governments (including the USA) should not allow these criminals asylum without performing a thorough background search. If there is no way to research their backgrounds, they should not be allowed entrance!

Next, all foreign Governments should exclude unmarried men over the age of 16 (without parents and/or without wives and children) because married men are more accountable than the young punks trying to destroy others. There should be proof of marriages over ten (10) years because make-shift marriages will not do! These terrorist can hide behind fake marriages!

Next, these people should be isolated (psychiatrically monitored and NOT ALLOWED to mix and mingle freely on the streets of any foreign country. This will avoid the spread of sickness and disease as well as quarantine other issues, sexual perverts, and ISIL terrorists. Hopefully, the dEVIL will reveal his ugly face as they begin to fight and sexually violate one another – then the proof is in the pudding!

Security levels of all foreign Governments need to heighten security! Also, there should be more sharing of security risks, known and suspected criminals/terrorists between national and foreign Governments. Place stops and holds on all men requesting asylum who cannot prove they are legally married and/or family men – a wallet full of pictures does not count as proof of the wife and kids AND they all must be present (in the flesh) as well as interviewed independently by Arabic speaking lawyers, psychiatrists, and doctors to ascertain whether or not they are truly families and not terrorists.  Questioning  the wives and kids  separately will break down  lies and reveal truths.  Just  offer the kids some candy and tell the women, “we will help you if you tell the truth – Is this man a terrorist or not?  If you think I am exaggerating, please Google the atrocities inflicted upon foreign women and their families!

There are terrorists living among us as well as abroad!  These terrorists want to topple all the Governments of the World – starting with Europe as they work their way in the USA.  In fact, they are here in AMERICA!  Look at what’s happening in Dearborn, Michigan!  The haters of Christianity are fighting US citizens in the streets and calling them names. The children of  these Muslims spit on and throw rocks at policemen!   These criminals should be rounded up and sent back to their countries as they do not deserve special asylum in America!

Remember, the Muslim couple who killed innocent friends and co-workers celebrating a Christmas party  (2015) in Burbank, California? Can you imagine these terrorists blowing up our hospitals, schools, work places, churches? These terrorists want AMERICAN cities and states to look like the war zones and cities in Syria and the Middle East. What does this mean? You will not be able to go to work…your children will not be able to attend school…your wives, Mothers, and daughters will be raped in the street like dogs…and the global powers who want to instill fear will succeed.

If you are doing anything contrary to the WILL of GO, you are going to hell. If you are bombing and terrorizing cities, states, civilizations, countries whether your victims live within or without your borders or continent, you are going to hell. YOU ARE OUTSIDE OF THE WILL OF GOD!

Allow me to talk to somebody out there! If you are shooting people because of their race, color, creed, or whatever, you are a sinner! And (as stated earlier), “…the soul that sinneth, it shall die…”  This saying goes to all criminals and to gang warriors (gangs against one another…the police against gangs and Black men…Black men against Black men, White men against White men, Black men against White men, White men against Black men, Hispanic men against Hispanic men, White men against Hispanic men, Hispanic men against White men, black men, Chinese men against Chinese men, Korean men against Korean men, Russian men against Russian men, Japanese men against Japanese men, Swedish men against Swedish men, and so on and so forth.

(5)   IT IS TIME FOR AMERICANS TO COME TOGETHER AS ONE HUMANRACE!   This is to all of you American (black, white, or whatever)!  Stop fighting and killing one another….Policemen, stop fighting and killing Americans…Politicians, help to reform the men in prison and allow the men (with lighter sentences) a break but make sure they get psychiatric care, education, reformation, several doctor certifications, and review board approval prior to being released back into society (the kosmos). 

Have a Blessed Day!


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