Worldwide News: “Our Looking Glass should be through the EYES OF GOD!”

The JESUS said,

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see me no more. Of judgment because the prince of this world is judged.” (John 16:7-11) ”


As a whole, humanity sees itself as do-gooders and educated planners whether a person is a white or blue collar worker, professor, doctor, lawyer, dignitary, prime minister, queen, king, or the president. Collectively, our knowledge ain’t nothing but foolishness compared to THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

We are hand growing our kids to be just like us – highly opinionated, arrogant, and selfish. I call these kids the “entitlement generation – I want this, I want that, because Johnny has one and I want it too !”  Whether or not the parents can afford expensive gifts, they make all kinds of sacrifices to please these little monsters. In fact, you can ask a little 4 or 5 year old,   “..what to you want for Christmas and he can tell you exactly 20 items he wants Santa to bring because he saw it on the television…”   You can try to tell a teenager how to behave and avoid terrible experiences/mistakes and they will say, “Yup, I know that already and Yup I know about that too!”  What in the world do they know, they ain’t even got a driver’s license or credit card but they know everything. Actually, some of them know a lot more than adults because they know how to work those IPhones and surf the Internet. In fact, they can show you a thang or two but they are not legally adults as they are just teens with no proven experience.

The LORD JESUS said that HE had to go back to the FATHER and that HE (Jesus) will send the HOLY SPIRIT (the COMFORTER) to us to teach us, lead us, and dwell within us. Its not like putting on your favorite boots or designer clothes because as our mood changes and our bodies age/expand we can’t fit small sizes no more! All that stuff is seasonal.   But,  The HOLY SPIRIT is THE THIRD PERSON OF THE TRIUNE GOD! HE IS A REAL PERSON!  HE ain’t working according to our customs, desires, opinions, or fashion statements.  HE is the EXECUTIVE AGENT AND HE IS OLDER THAN TIME ITSELF.  You can put HIM on and/or take HIM off at your whims.

Honey, the HOLY SPIRIT is working on this earth in believers and HE performs the will of THE ALMIGHTY! The world cannot receive even though he hovers over the Universe but HE makes HIMSELF known to all believers.

Our problem is we don’t want to hear what HE has to say. Amen! We want everything honky donkey. We’re saved on Sunday, but Saturday night we cut tracks in the carpets….we romped through the bars….we flirt with folks…as we seek out new sexy partners…we show our pearly, missing teeth (including the gold/silver capped ones) to others.  Yet,  we spend our entire paycheck rather than pay the electric bill, mortgage, or car note.  We flaunt $100.00 bills to buy alcohol drinks for others but we ain’t got gas money to get home. Yet, the children are at home with one box of Corn flakes, two day old pizza, or hot dogs but we are hitting the streets like we are on “Saturday Night LIVE.” 

We cannot get up for Sunday School or regular Church because we do not believe in the Bible.  Instead, we watch television all night long and/or surf porno sites on the Web. We ain’t satisfied with the little wife because she done gained excessive weight – yet your belly looks like two twins are brewing inside. Don’t get me wrong, every man wants a sexy woman and ain’t nothing wrong with desire but its wrong to lust.  Well now, left me get off of that right now!

The rest of us pay to much attention to Google. Did you every wonder where the name Goggle comes from?  I don’t know either but should be called “Goofy” as its full of stuff contrary to the WORD OF GOD.  Either we are cyber shopping for gifts and/or plagued the unsolicited advertisement.  For example, scientists from NASA and others, disturb and flood the public with disturbances.   For example, they wave signs that Asteroids  XXXX and/or BBBB will hit the earth tomorrow! Let me tell you that The ALMIGHTY GOD is not going to destroy this planet with Asteroid wipe out HIS praying people. It is written in the Bible that this earth will be destroyed by fire and a new Heaven and a new Earth will be created.

However, I’m talking about Humanity (the human race which includes all the assorted nuts as a whole). We’re so smart that we cannot get along because we’re robbing, killing, destroying one another every minute of the day all over the globe.

We need to take our eyes off ourselves, flip the mirror backwards, and pull out the BIBLE which is GOD’s LOOKING GLASS.  Instead of starring out our images in the mirror (as we admire our sexy/buff bodies which are full of lasciviousness belly rings,  multiple tattoos of naked men, women, snakes, alligators, guns,  ships, airplanes, animals, bulldogs or our favorite pet, flowers, and the names of our ex boyfriends, mama, daddy, our children, etc.

In the Resurrection, the LORD will erase all that junk off your body as HE never told you to ink up the body which is on loan to you.  Instead, the Word tells us  “…to present our body as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable in the sight of the Lord because your body is the temple of GOD.”  Honestly, do you think the Temple of God is full of crazy pictures of the late Elvis, Elton John, Sting, or monkeys, or Madonna’s face?

Ask the LORD to take out everything that is not like HIM and allow months, twelve, thirty-six months or whatever time the LORD takes to work on you. HE will deliver you from yourself and so-called friends who keep deception and wickedness in your face

Who or what do you see in the mirror after a night of drinking strong alcohol or partying.  What do you smell like after being in a bar or club all night long.  You cannot just have one drink and leave on your own  – folks won’t let you – yawl know that!   The next day is shot and so are you.  In fact, you will sleep through the entire day.

Trust me, you really don’t want to see the LORD’s true characterization of you. If we could see ourselves, it would look like the scene the in the movie, Christmas Carol.  The Death Angel took Scrooge through his past, present and future life.  The latter vision included his early departure from life as Scrooge saw his end – the headstone over his grave. Frankly, Scrooge (with his stingy self) who never did anything to help the poor – yawl know what he said.  After the Death Angel took him to the future, Scrooge was on his knees begging for another chance and found himself clinging to the curtains on his bed begging the next morning.

The New Year is rolling in and we don’t know which of us will be rolling out! It could be any one of us! Therefore, it behooves all of us to repent and do our first works over. Ask the LORD to come into your life and refresh you with a new beginning.  Ask THE ALMIGHTY to fill you with the SPIRIT OF TRUTH but you’ve got to get into JESUS.  You will be reborn from above by the HOLY SPIRITHE will guide you and HE will not take you back to the bar, club, or to a ridiculous lifestyle.  You will still be in the world, you still have the same name, the same face, the same body, but you will be a Child of GOD!  Your mirror will give a positive reflection through the EYES OF THE LORD.  Certainly, you will not see your old self.

Lastly, the dEVIL (the prince of this world) is already judged and he ain’t happy about it.  He cannot make an about face or receive restoration, but we can!

Have a Blessed Day!




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