WORLDWIDE NEWS: “I got my Mind on my Money and my Money on my Mind!”

The Bible says, “Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” (Proverbs 23:5)

I was listening to the radio and heard a song which came out years ago by Snoop Dogg (an American rapper). It’s amazing how messages in songs can cause one to think. I am not interested in this kind of music; however, this song has a strong message!


Per Google, the rich are content: (1) it’s been said on an average that billionaires own at least four homes; (2) you may own an island like John Malone (said to be the largest private landowner in the USA with 2.2 million acres (3,437 square miles); (3) you may be able to fly anywhere in the world on private jets (like Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Harrison Ford, Nancy Pelosi, and others); (4) you may own fleets of cars and rent airport hangers for storage like Jay Leno; (5) you may be as glamorous and famous as the late Gabor sisters (Zsa Zsa, Eva, and Magda) or like the Kardashian sisters of today; (6) or you may be a world-famous master plastic surgeon like Dr. Movagharina who advertises that he “can achieve in a couple of hours what might take you a couple of years to achieve at the gym”; (7) are you may be a successful businessman/women with lots of money and assets; (8) you may be a modest citizen satisfied with paid-off mortgages, cars, and able to take vacations; (9) you may be an ordinary person still working and able to satisfy monthly debts and obligations; (10) you may be making thousands of dollars selling drugs to the rich and poor; (11) you may be pimping men and women like the late Scotty Bowers (a famous prostitute and pimp who provided sex partners to gay Hollywood celebrities); (12) you may be working the streets and turning tricks to get by or to fund your habit; (13) you may be recruiting and pimping young girls and boys to sick adults with kinky sexual appetites; (14) you may be prostituting your own children to pay the rent; (15) or you may be holding on to every nickel and dime refusing to help those in need; (16) you may be a nobody trying to be somebody and still in discovery.

Whatever the case may be, “You got your Mind on your Money and Your Money on your Mind!” just as this Blog states! Honey, you ain’t gonna take nothing with you when you leave this world! When you die, they ain’t gonna bury thousands or millions of dollars with you! If you’re in flight 33k miles up in the air and the airplane crashes, all will be lost! If you are on a cruise ship and a rogue wave capsizes the ship, you may be lost forever. If you are touring on the side of a sleeping volcano and it awakes spurring out lava, your body may be lost forever! If you are on vacation (swimming in Hawaii), a shark may eat you. When you die (regardless the case), you will no longer need your American Express or Diners Club card.

RICHES HAVE WINGS AND THEY FLY AWAY AS AN EAGLE TOWARDS HEAVEN! Naked you came into the world and naked you will leave this world! (Job 1:21-22) If you are blessed with wealth, enjoy it but never, never, never, never put anything before the LORD GOD as he says His Name is JEALOUS! If you don’t believe me, just Google the famous who have departed bankrupt or not this year and in years past. Many people (rich and poor) are quickly leaving here every day! The reason we are still here is because the LORD GOD is giving us time to do the right thing! None of us know when our time is up! Our name(s) may be on the role or call list today, tomorrow, next week, or next year! PUT YOUR FAITH AND TRUST IN THE LORD GOD! Repent, Repent, Repent!

Have a Blessed Day!

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