Worldwide News: CAREFUL: “YOU’LL Get a BELLY-FULL!”

The BIBLE states,  “And the woman  [BATHSHEBA]   CONCEIVED  and  sent  and  told DAVID  [the king],  and said,   I AM WITH CHILD.”    (II Samuel 11:5)


You may not know the Biblical story or you may have seen Hollywood’s version, but the story is an old one and it continues today!  A man sees a woman and the man lusts for the woman…the man runs after the woman…the woman is married…the woman gets pregnant…   However, the ending varies per couple!    In this story, king David knew that Bathsheba was MRS. URIAH the HITTITE!   Yet, David lusted for this woman, he sent for her, she yielded herself to the king, and they committed adultery (which means extramarital sex).  Oh by the way, DAVID was married as well!    THERE IS NO OTHER EXPLANATION FOR THIS SIN!

Well now, king DAVID  and MRS. URIAH   (a.k.a. BATHSHEBA)  played with fire!  What do you think happened?  MRS. URIAH got a BELLY-FULL and her husband was out-of-town!    Oh yea!   However, the trouble started one night as king David paced his roof-top spying on Bathsheba who was butt-naked.   Certainly, she knew king David was on the roof that’s why she was sporting herself.

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR AS YOU JUST MAY GET IT!   David had a few  choices: (1)  Leave the other man’s wife alone and go get in bed with one of his own wives or concubines;   (2)  Bathsheba would be a prime candidate for stoning as she broke the Mosaic Law;  (3) Get rid of Uriah who was one of  King David’s Mighties.   Well now, king David orchestrated Uriah’s demise by sending him out to a  heated battlefield and asked General Joab to step away from Uriah‘s side.  Therefore, king David was able to marry the widow, Bathsheba.

Both king David and Bathsheba’s adultery was unlawful and unacceptable.  For sure, the servants were talking out of the side of their necks. This kind of stuff does not go unnoticed.   Unlike today,  THE ANCIENTS  DID NOT HAVE THE INTERNET but news still got around by word of mouth.  THEREFORE, THEY WERE YAPPING LIKE CRAZY!   Yet, this story is not new as it continues this very moment  throughout the entire  World.  GOD said, “THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY!”    You figure it out!

Have a Blessed Day!