“AND THE FAMINE WAS OVER THE FACE OF THE EARTH…because the Famine was sore in all lands.”   (Genesis 41:6)


When there is lack of resources, starvation, death, doubt, fear, unemployment, people running out of control, financial loss, wars, rumors of wars, killings, dictatorships, and spiritual wickedness through the governments,  THERE IS A TREMENDOUS LACK OF DIVINE FAITH.  If the countries of this World have so much faith in the One TRUE GOD, why don’t they come together to PRAY in PEACEFUL UNITY for the betterment of all mankind?

Instead of PEACEFUL UNITY, we are slaughtering, controlling, and defaming one another (i.e., just look at the U.S. presidential candidates of 2012).  Across the Worldwide internet, there is one common denominator undermining the Globe:  “Spiritual Famine.”   Famines are not restricted to cracked earth and drought.  We are experiencing  SPIRITUAL FAMINE and DROUGHT  throughout the entire World!   The Bible states,  “Where there is no VISION the people perish.”   By definition, VISION means: eyesight; the ability to see; a mental picture (an image, a concept of the imagination, or the power of wealth); and dreams or trances (an image or series of images seen in a dream or trance having religious, revelatory, or prophetic significance).

Do you have GOD’S Vision of Righteousness?  FOR THE MOST PART, THE ONLY VISION PEOPLE HAVE IS THE VISION OF THEIR OWN SUCCESS AND THEY ARE ENTRANCED IN SELF- RIGHTEOUSNESS.  In the past, people use to care about the needs of others. Families fed and clothe needy families. Today, the generation who helped others are passed away; and most of this newer generation are selfish, deceitful, and perverted.

The Lord JESUS tells us, “TAKE HEED LEST ANY MAN DECEIVE YOU.  For many shall come in my name and deceive many. When ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars,  BE YE NOT TROUBLED  FOR SUCH THINGS must needs be; but the end is not yet. FOR NATION SHALL RISE AGAINST NATION, AND KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM; and there shall be earthquakes in divers places and there shall be FAMINES and TROUBLES; these are the beginning of sorrows.”   (Mark 13:5-8)

Romans 8:35 states, “WHO SHALL SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF CHRIST?  Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, FAMINE, or nakedness, or peril, or sword…NAY IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US.”  If you are failing in Spiritual strength, its because you DO NOT have the power to sustain yourself!  You may have millions of dollars (i.e., to purchase private doctors, private hospitals, and ambulances), but your millions WILL NOT save your soul, heal you, or give you life everlasting.  I’m talking to somebody!  The Lord wants you and the whole World to REPENT and SURRENDER unto HIM!

Have a Blessed day!